Become a Member!
Online Registration for Carl Orff Canada
Becoming a Member of Carl Orff Canada
Why join Music For Children - Carl Orff Canada - Musique pour Enfants?
Almost 1,000 people across Canada are members of Carl Orff Canada. Music specialists, classroom teachers, early childhood educators, dance teachers and parents are just a sampling of the people who have seen the benefits of becoming involved with Orff Schulwerk and Carl Orff Canada.
By becoming a member of Music for Children - Carl Orff Canada - Musique pour enfants, you are involved in an organization which promotes collegial sharing and quality musical education for children. Advocacy efforts at the national and local levels are ongoing, and assist you in your efforts to provide Orff programs of high calibre. Professional Development opportunities are available in the form of workshops, journals, newsletters, courses and conferences.
Membership Benefits
Membership in Music For Children - Carl Orff Canada, is an evergreen, yearly membership. This means that your membership is valid for a full calendar year from the time that your application for membership is received. When it is time to renew, you will be notified two months prior to your renewal date.
Yearly membership in Music For Children - Carl Orff Canada entitles you to:
Three issues of our quality journal OSTINATO
Mailings from your Local Chapter regarding workshops and other events
Reduced fees for local workshops and National Conferences
Scholarship and Research Grant Information
First hand information about our Biannual National Conference
Reduced advertising rates in OSTINATO and the membership directory (corporate members only)
Regular Member
Regular membership benefits and privileges - One year – $60 Cdn.
Student Member
Regular membership benefits and privileges for full-time students
(copy of current student ID required) – $30 Cdn.
Retired Member
Regular membership benefits and privileges for those age 55 or older and retired – $40 Cdn.
Library Member
2 copies of a one-year subscription to Ostinato; no other membership benefits or privileges – $40 Cdn.
Corporate Member
Corporate Membership also entitles the institution to apply for endorsement of Orff Teacher Training courses. No additional fee is required for this service. All institutions applying for course endorsement, other than Orff chapters, must be corporate members of Carl Orff Canada.
Three copies of a one-year subscription to Ostinato; membership privileges and benefits extended to 1 representative of the corporation/business – $100 Cdn.
Please add $10 Cdn to above categories to cover additional postage, if residence is outside Canada.
To become a Carl Orff Canada member:
Please complete the on-line membership form (English) / (French)
For more information on membership please contact:
Membership Secretary
Ruth Nichols
7 Regent Street
Amherst NS B4H 3S6